Via Counterfeminist:
PRINCIPLES AND GOALS: UOMINI 3000 - MENS MOVEMENT (Translated from the Italian by R. Randazzo)
Uomini3000 is a movement of opinion characterized by the following principles and objectives:
• PRINCIPLES Uomini3000 recognizes and affirms:
1. The existence of natural differences between the genders.
2. The extreme immorality of certain social forces, and at the same time, the very real opportunity that these forces have to deny, ignore, compromise, and repress these differences and any expression of them.
3. The necessity of cooperation between the genders, and at the same time the inevitability of opposition between them.
4. The scientific inconsistency and dubious morality of any claim by one gender to describe the state, condition, needs, experiences, or the value of the other gender.
Uomini3000 defines the current situation in the following terms:
1. For two generations masculinity and the male gender have been subject to an all-out attack covering every sphere, from the world of images and symbolism to that of common everyday existence, applied systematically and consistently in every manner and through all means of communication and cultural diffusion.
2. The term male-bashing extends itself to aesthetics, opposing their attainment by men which includes the male body and men's physicality.
3. Every level and gradation within contemporary culture, and every unit that elaborates on or transmits that culture, without a single exception, is a tool of this program.
4. This phenomenon is the fundamental cause of psychological/emotional harm in individuals and social dysfunctions of an ever-increasing gravity, hindering the entire male gender and in particular the younger generations.
1. Uomini3000 rejects any kind, however indirect, of denigration, of offensiveness and devaluation, of the ethical, aesthetic, and intellectual worth of the female gender; it repudiates any diminution of the symbolic importance of the feminine, and of the historical importance of female endeavors visible and invisible, past present and future.
1. The promotion of the essential value of masculinity, specifically with regard to personal dignity and the irreplaceable role of the masculine in the world of image and symbol and of the male gender in every area of life, spiritual and material, for the benefit of present and future generations.
2. The identification and condemnation of any instance of malebashing in every context, form, or style, and any expression of malebashing, direct or indirect, open or veiled.
3. The moral opposition to male-bashing—to the denigration and demonization of men, the denigration of male sentiments, attributes, opinions and needs, the denigration of male contributions and comportment—in the media, literature, the arts, political discourse, historiography, scientific tracts, text-books, advertising, and in every form of expression and means of communication.
4. The restitution of the value and dignity—as well as the historic role—of past generations of men, by means of the deconstruction of feminist historiography.
5. The struggle against the cultural ideals of a Feminist Society and its basic values— therefore against the following:
- 6. the principle of the moral, aesthetic and intellectual superiority of the female gender;
- 7. the denial of the existence of anti-male hatred;
- 8. the criminalization both direct and indirect of the male gender;
- 9. the planned inhibition of the development of male consciousness;
- 10. the psychological and chemical emasculation of the younger generations;
- 11. the domestication and docility of men;
- 12. the use of the male libido for purposes of speculation,manipulation, intimidation and blackmail;
- 13. the demand for reparations, material and moral, for the wrongs, real or imagined, sustained by the female gender;
- 14. the legal commercialization of sexual relations and relations based upon affection;
- 15. the presumed permissibility of an autocratic imposition of behavioral rules upon the male gender;
- 16. the principles of political correctness and the imposition of its vocabulary.
1. Devising creative ways of protest, for the purpose of denouncing the politics of male-bashing and anti-male discrimination, and then implementing these ways of protest.
2. The use of every means of communication, both new and old, to oppose male-bashing.
3. The publication of essays and books of an historical, sociological, psychological, ethical, and philosophical nature for the purpose of moving forward our objectives.
4. The promotion of activities, measures, and political organization in order to spur male consciousness with regard to the moral conflict underway.
5. The development, either independently or in combination with public organizations and private entities, for the study, research and elaboration of statistical data for the support of these goals.
6. The organization of conferences, exhibitions, courses, seminars, and other cultural activities as well as projects and educational programs both in and out of the school system, with the aim of divulging the knowledge of tools to fight male-bashing, together with an independent view of statistical data, historical data, and news items. ................................................................................... ~~ U3 singlemindedly pursues a political objective. It does not engage in any kind of commercial activity or any other form of profit-making either directly or indirectly. ------------------------------- I can get behind this 100%
I see no reason why not to dislike and denigrate women. Why not? Formally I was supposed to venerate them and it has taken me a very long time to learn otherwise. Now I have gotten wisdom I am not going to throw it away.